The Oxfordshire Drama Wardrobe is now at

Rebellion Film Studios, Old Milton Rd, Didcot, OX11 7HH

We are open by appointment only, usually on Mondays and Wednesdays but we can do Saturdays by special arrangement

Please contact us at to arrange an appointment so we can make sure we have time to find what you need.

Contacting Us:

Email us at

Like our Facebook page - @OxfordshireDramaWardrobe

Helpers at the Wardrobe

We are not recruiting more volunteers at the moment, but if you might be interested in the future please email us and let us know.

Costume Makers

We are always looking for volunteers to help us by making some period reproduction costumes.If you think you could make a Tudor style dress or a Victorian frock coat, or maybe a Georgian style dress or a period waistcoat, then please get in touch. We would be pleased to provide all materials required.